Date and Time

Thursday, Mar 16 - Saturday, 18, 2023

7:00 — 9:00 pm





CAPSTONE PROJECTS FESTIVALThe Department of Theatre is thrilled to be able to present a festival of original works by our students, created for their Capstone Projects.

PerformancesThursday March 16 at 7pm:Remembrance of the LivingSolid GroundFriday March 17 at 7pm:Tranny FaggotJoe’s PizzaChoose & Celebrate: Inspired by Gay Community NewsChangelingSaturday March 18 at 2pm:Remembrance of the LivingSolid GroundSaturday March 18 at 6pm:Tranny FaggotJoe’s PizzaChoose & Celebrate: Inspired by Gay Community NewsChangelingThe Department of Theatre will host a celebration reception on Saturday March 18th at 5pm, between the afternoon and evening presentations.THE PROJECTSTRANNY FAGGOT, written & directed by Lou Conrad ’23Tranny Faggot is a coming-of-age horror flick set at a summer camp where a transgender teen and their friends must survive a zombie apocalypse.CHOOSE & CELEBRATE: INSPIRED BY GAY COMMUNITY NEWS, written by Catherine Giorgetti ’23In 1973 Boston, Teresa grapples with the realities of gay life: how to support her best friends Eric and Christopher in their union ceremony, how to deal with a homophobic straight friend who doesn’t get her, and what to do when violence permeates her community. Inspired by stories from Gay Community News and the real queer people who lived in 1973 Boston, this is a 60 – 75 minute stage reading.CHANGELING, written by Julia Lee ’23Inspired by A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Changeling gives voice to the unheard and unseen Boy at the center of Titania and Oberon’s most recent martial spat. Boy explores his words and identity alongside the woods of Faerie in a coming-of-age story about defining humanity among the fantastical.SOLID GROUND, written by Sydney Love ’23When a family emergency strikes a small town café, the baristas, kitchen staff, and regulars worry about the future of the shop and what its closure would mean for the community. Solid Ground is a two-act play that is heavily ensemble based. The staged reading calls for 13 actors total.REMEMBRANCE OF THE LIVING, written by Dan Lutz ’23Dan, death, and more Dan. It’s not Everyman, it’s EveryDan.JOE’S PIZZA, directed by Marie Siopy ’22Pilot is the first episode in a hypothetical mini-series created by Hannah Wong, directed by Marie Siopy, and produced by Sydney Schecter and Paige Stern. The episode follows Naomi as she goes through the worst day of her life and, quite unexpectedly, ends in a pizza restaurant outside the confines of time and space.AUDIENCE INFORMATION

All performances are live, in-person in the Ryder Theatre Lab (Room 334 on the 3rd Floor of Ryder Hall).The Theatre will open approximately 20 minutes before scheduled performance time.Performances will begin promptly at start time.Seating is general admission; there is no assigned seating.No late seating, no re-admission during performance.Empty seats will be given away to waitlisted audience members beginning 10 minutes prior to performance time. If you have not claimed your seat by this time, we will give it to someone who is at the theatre waiting for an empty seat.No photography or video recording during performances.WAITLIST: If a performance is “Sold Out,” people wishing to see that performance should arrive to the theatre by 20 minutes before performance time and connect with the house manager. Beginning at 10 minutes before each performance all empty seats will be given to waitlisted audience members on a “first come, first served” basis.TICKET PRICE: Free for all audience members. Prior registration required.