CAMD will bestow the Excellence in Research and Creative Activity Award to one faculty member in 2021. The nomination process is now open for CAMD faculty. The deadline for nominations is Friday, February 19, 2021 at 5 p.m.
The Award for Excellence in Research and Creative Activity will be granted to a faculty member whose scholarly or creative achievements have had a national and international impact.
Faculty who are nominated will be notified and asked to submit the following via single PDF document to Matthew McDonald, CAMD’s Associate Dean of Academic Affairs, Faculty and Research, which must be submitted by Friday, March 12, 2021:
- Research or artist statement
- Chair letter of evaluation
- CV of nominee
- Up to three examples of works completed in the past three years
The award winner will be notified around April 9, 2021, and will be honored at the CAMD Graduation Ceremony.