
CAMD will bestow up to two Excellence in Teaching Awards in 2018, granted to faculty who have been employed at Northeastern for at least three years. Award winners will be announced on February 1, 2018. Recipients of the CAMD Excellence in Teaching award receive $500 and are featured in CAMD marketing materials.

Nomination Process:

Any member of the Northeastern community, including students, faculty, or administrators may nominate a CAMD faculty member for a teaching award. Nominations consist of:

  • a nomination letter from one peer or student describing the unique and exceptional nature of the nominee’s teaching style, course design, impact on students’ intellectual development, and ability to create an engaging and well-organized classroom experience

The deadline for nominations has been extended to December 20, 2017 by 5 p.m.

Faculty who are nominated will then be notified and asked to submit the following via single PDF document:

  • Teaching statement
  • Sample syllabi from any three classes taught at Northeastern
  • A list of all courses taught at Northeastern
  • Trace scores from up to the past three years, including all student comments
  • Optional: up to three additional supporting items that illustrate the nominee’s approach to teaching (pedagogical documents, peer reviews, etc.)

Additionally, nominees will be asked to solicit 3-5 letters of support from students and/or faculty peers. These letters will be submitted directly to the Associate Dean of Faculty.

The deadline for the candidate to submit their teaching dossiers and for letters of support is January 10, 2018.

Selection Process:

The CAMD Executive Committee will evaluate the applications based on the following criteria: curricular innovativeness, including classroom teaching innovations and the development of new programs; evidence of excellent teaching and a positive impact on student learning, including the ability to create an engaging classroom experience for students; support of student initiatives; evidence of research-led teaching; and evidence of professional development relating to teaching.

The Executive Committee will make its recommendation to the Dean of the College of Arts, Media & Design by January 25. The Dean chooses the awardee(s) taking into consideration the recommendation of the committee. The Dean also chooses one awardee to progress to the University-wide Excellence in Teaching competition.

Past Recipients:


Carlene Hempel, School of Journalism*

Susan Picillo, Communication Studies


Pedro Cruz, Art + Design

Brooke Foucault Welles, Communication Studies*

*Winner of the University-wide competition for Excellence in Teaching.

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