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Tell us about your project submitted to the Emmys!
The project I was awarded an Emmy for was a group collaboration between me, Alyssa and Kat. We made a video magazine that looked at three different areas of Panamanian life. I was able to produce and report on a piece about the coffee and chocolate industries in the country. Alyssa and I were able to do a piece on the Mamoni Valley. And Kat did a piece about Panamanian hats. All three pieces were strung together with anchoring clips from me. It was such an amazing experience getting to take a deep dive into each of these facets of Panama and capture it all on video.
How will your Emmy recognition influence your future work?
This just adds even more confidence that I’m going into the correct career field. This is the third Emmy I’ve been awarded and being able to represent Northeastern’s journalism program as well as gaining regional recognition is great!
What aspect of your winning project was particularly newsworthy? What led you to submit it for Emmy consideration?
I think Panama is one of the best kept secrets of the world. I had never heard much about the country prior to my class, so being able to experience it firsthand and expose the judging panel to all the amazing things it has to offer was great. It’s also such a unique experience to be able to really immerse yourself into the culture because of our class projects. If I had gone just for vacation I’m not sure I would have done half the things we were able to do there so that made for an extremely unique storytelling experience.
How has being recognized by the Emmys changed the way you think about the future of journalism?
I think it shows how bright the future of journalism is. Being able to showcase the talent of young people to the judging committee shows how my colleagues have been able to gain so much valuable experience before graduating. While we still have a lot to learn, I am so proud of how we were able to pull it together.
What does it mean to you to have your work recognized by a prestigious organization like the Emmys?
It’s amazing being recognized by the Emmy’s for a third time for my work while at Northeastern. It gives me confidence that I’m headed on the right track but still have lots more to learn.
Can you share an impactful experience you’ve had with the NU Journalism department that has informed the way you approach journalistic projects?
The unique journalism classes I was able to take pushed my way of thinking about news. From Mike Beaudet’s Reinventing TV News class, to Carlene Hempel’s Dialogue of Civilizations class and so many more there is truly no other university that offers such a wide array of areas and interests. Now one year into my own full time job I see just how impactful my time in the journalism program has been. It’s given me confidence in my abilities and creative ideas which has been gained from the coursework at Northeastern.
Any journalism co-op experience would you like to share?
I think the co-op experience is one of the smartest things a student can do. Getting to work full time in your intended field is such a great experience not just for your resume but your own career development. I was able to work at a website redesign firm, NBC News, the Colorado Springs Gazette, WHDH as well as other organizations. Through my several co-op’s and internships I was able to pinpoint exactly what I wanted to do upon graduating. Without that wide array of experience I would have never known what direction to go in upon graduating.