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In an elec­tion cycle where the media have rou­tinely been called out—blamed either for the rise of Repub­lican nom­inee Donald Trump or for col­luding with Demo­crat Hillary Clinton’s campaign—many news orga­ni­za­tions find them­selves facing new chal­lenges in cov­ering the candidates.

At the most recent Myra Kraft Open Class­room dis­cus­sion, held Wednesday evening and titled, “Cov­ering the elec­tion: The role of old and new media,” School of Jour­nalism pro­fes­sors Dan Kennedy and John Wihbey joined Depart­ment of Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Studies pro­fessor Carole Bell to make the case that there are sev­eral fac­tors that have made cov­erage of this elec­tion unlike any other.

Read the story in news@Northeastern.