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A cap­stone project was spear­headed by Julieta Moradei, E’16, a fifth-​​year civil engi­neering major with a strong interest in incor­po­rating the prin­ci­ples of archi­tec­ture into her co-​​ops and class­work. After lob­bying to work on a cap­stone project in col­lab­o­ra­tion with the archi­tec­ture depart­ment, she con­nected with two fac­ulty mem­bers who believed in her inter­dis­ci­pli­nary vision — Janos Stone,Design Researcher in Residence in the Depart­ment of Art + Design, and Daniel Dulaski, asso­ciate teaching pro­fessor of civil and envi­ron­mental engi­neering. Then she worked with them to assemble a tal­ented team of engi­neers, archi­tects, and graphic designers, stu­dents in COE and CAMD who con­vened to create an excep­tion­ally well-​​researched, thoughtful, and cre­ative pro­posal to redesign the street dividing campus in two.

Read the featured story at news@Northeastern.

Capstone Teams:
Russell Butenhof + Kayla Van Name
Heba Alsafwani + David Marchessault
Raphaela Putz + Diego Rivas Costante
Alia Azmi + Eduardo Martinez Toribio
Yasmine Batniji + El Littlefield

Image: The “Sky­larium,” fea­turing a glass dome through which viewers could marvel at Boston’s skyline.