Health Campaign Message Design & Snapchat Geofilte
Team Zzz also completed three phases of research focus groups, online surveys, and message testing experiments to tackle sleep deprivation on Northeasterns campus and design the accompanying message. During interviews with students, they were drawn to the fact that students repeatedly referenced using their phones before bedtime to wind down.Research shows, however, that exposure to low intensity blue light from screens 30 minutes before bed can suppress melatonin, making more difficult to fall asleep and wake in the morning. Results from their on-campus survey of 155 Northeastern students revealed that students were rarely putting away their phones before bed and that confidence in ones ability to break the habit was most strongly correlated with uptake of the healthy behavior. In the end, they designed this message to stress that putting the phone away can have positive effects on sleep and that its relatively easy to do. They also created a Snapchat geofilter, to be released during finals week in Snell Library after 10PM, to create buzz among students about powering down before bed.

Sophia Nardone, Millie Jones, Aram Nazarian, Mary Wilson
Key Details
Susan Mello, Assistant Professor, Communication Studies
Class: COMM 4102 Health Communication Campaigns
Spring 2018