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Inequality Starts at the Water Tap

A group of students from the School of Journalism spent their semester learning about and researching water in our very own city of Boston. They completed six individual projects, coming together to form The City of Water, which discusses everything from the issues with water infrastructure and who it hurts, to marine life and how it is affected by pollution, to the Boston Harbor’s history, hidden below the surface.

Students Thomas Herron, Madelaine Millar, Anna Sorokina, and Owen Soule tackled the issue of lead pipes throughout Boston. Due to the age of many buildings in the city, lead pipes pose a significant threat to the health of families, an issue that disproportionately affects low-income and minority neighborhoods and their residents. They share the story of Mr. David Rodriguez, who suffered lead poisoning in his youth, and what exactly are the short- and long-term effects of lead poisoning, and providing info-graphics about lead poisoning and its history current day statistics. Check out the full project here.


Thomas Herron, Madelaine Millar, Anna Sorokina, and Owen Soule:


