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Mapping the Past and Future of District 7

Lily Song Cover

Over the course of 2022-2023, Lily Song worked with community members of District 7, community organizations, a team of grad students and research assistants to study the history of District 7, which is made up of parts of the South End, Roxbury, Dorchester, and Fenway.

The report of District 7 (D7) dives into the rich history of Roxbury and its institutions, from public green spaces to churches to corner stores. It uses multiple art forms, like graphic comics, to show the stories of residents and how they grappled with gentrification and disrepair of public spaces. It also offers suggestions on how the city could utilize green spaces for all of Roxbury’s community members as well as small business owners and artists.


Lily Song

Jointly Appointed Faculty


Dr. Lily Song is an urban planner and activist-scholar who specializes in studying and undertaking long-term community engagement practices in addition to being an Assistant Professor in the School of Architecture and the School of Public Policy and Urban Planning (College of Social Sciences and Humanities).
