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“24 Hours in the Life of a Swiss Cuckoo” features contemporary reinventions of the Swiss cuckoo clock. Photo by Matthew Modoono/Northeastern University

There is now plenty of time to wander around at Northeastern’s Gallery 360 thanks to a unique exhibit that puts a modern twist on an iconic clock.

Titled “24 Hours in the Life of a Swiss Cuckoo,” the exhibit offi­cially opened Thursday evening and fea­tures con­tem­po­rary rein­ven­tions of the Swiss cuckoo clock, which is tra­di­tion­ally known for its metic­u­lous design embodying rustic life in Switzerland.

The exhibit, which is making its U.S. debut, is on dis­play until July 12. It show­cases 24 clocks cre­ated by stu­dents and teachers at the Geneva Uni­ver­sity of Art and Design, who used mate­rials such as wood, brass, paper, and elec­tronics to “update” an entity that has been around for hun­dreds of years.

“It is a spec­tac­ular exhi­bi­tion,” said Nathan Felde, chair of the Depart­ment of Art + Design in the Col­lege of Arts, Media and Design. “It brings this issue of craft, indige­nous art, and folk art together with fine art. And it brings this tra­di­tional inter­ac­tive device up-​​to-​​date with these incred­ible customizations.”

The “Coucou Bijou” com­bines Swiss jew­elry and clock making as a small clock pen­dant moves down a chain to mark the pas­sage of time. “Peeping Clock” uti­lizes tra­di­tional wood carving syn­ony­mous with Swiss cuckoos to create a base for a smart­phone or tablet—the modern-​​day timekeeper.

One of the 24 cuckoo clocks on dis­play at Gallery 360. Photo by Matthew Modoono/​Northeastern University

The exhibit is pre­sented by Gallery 360, Northeastern’s Center for the Arts, and the Depart­ment of Art + Design, in part­ner­ship with Swissnex Boston, the Con­sulate of Switzer­land in Boston.

You will see new media plays a very impor­tant role in the exhi­bi­tion,” said Andreas Rufer, deputy consul and project leader for art and cul­ture at Swissnex Boston.

This is the third time Northeastern’s art com­mu­nity and Swissnex Boston have col­lab­o­rated to bring an orig­inal exhibit to campus. In 2013, Swiss Style Reboot show­cased graphic design prin­ci­ples devel­oped by pio­neers of Swiss Style. Last year, an exhibit fea­tured projects hon­ored with the renowned Watt d’Or Award, which is pre­sented by the Swiss Fed­eral Office of Energy.

As part of the exhibit’s offi­cial opening on Thursday, Lysianne Léchot Hirt, dean of studies at Geneva Uni­ver­sity of Art and Design, gave a lec­ture in the Studio The­atre on the state of Swiss Design Research. Design schools in Switzer­land, she explained, are very active in finding the bal­ance between the cre­ative nature of design activ­i­ties and the nec­es­sary rigors required to call those activ­i­ties research.