What’s Playing at Symphony
Prof. Anthony De Ritis
Covers the history and context of repertoire played by the Boston Symphony Orchestra, and then you go to the BSO to hear the music!
MUSC 1136, CRN 36770
Tu/F 9:50-11:30
Instrumentation and Orchestration
Prof. Dan Godfrey
Professor Godfrey is the new Chair of the Music Department and a renowned composer.
MUSC 1250, CRN 37394
W/F 11:45-1:25
Algebra and Geometry of Music
Prof. Hubert Ho
A Core Math Level 2 class, a great way to fulfill that requirement with music.
MUSC 2111, CRN 36115
M/W/Th 1:35-2:40
Stravinsky and His World
Prof. Gil Rose
A Special Topics course; if you’re intrigued by Stravinsky this is the semester to take this class as it won’t be offered again soon.
MUSC 3550, CRN 37137
M/W/Th 4:35-5:40
Writing About Music
Prof. Robert Kirzinger
Opportunity to improve your writing about music and work with Robert Kirzinger, who writes program notes for the Boston Symphony.
MUSC 3337, CRN 36773
M/W/Th 4:35-5:40
Introduction to Music Technology
Prof. Mike Frengel
Improve your skills creating music on computers.
MUST 1220, CRN 32801
W/F 11:45-1:25
Digital Audio Processing
Prof. Mike Frengel
Introduction to issues in recording technology.
MUST 3421, CRN 32802
Tu/F 9:50-11:30
Introduction to Composition
Prof. Doug Durant
Great course on learning the basics of classical composition.
MUST 1301, CRN 34231
M/W/Th 10:30-11:35
Performing Arts Administration
Prof. Margo Saulnier
Professor Saulnier is a former member of the artistic staff of the Boston Pops who also runs music festivals.
MUSC 2330, CRN 31763
Tu/F 11:45-1:25
Making a Musical
Prof. Allen Feinstein
What makes musicals work? Develop musical-writing skills (playwriting, lyric writing, songwriting) while analyzing great works in the repertoire. Class culminates in performances of student-written musicals. For Honors students only.
HONR 1208, CRN 33497
M/Th 11:45-1:25
Contact Prof. Allen Feinstein at [email protected] with questions, or for help registering (a few of these have prerequisites, some of which can be waived).