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Tell us about your project submitted to the Emmys!
The project I submitted to the Emmys was a video piece that featured the importance behind the Panamanian Sombrero Pintao. The centuries-old tradition of making the hat was recently recognized by UNESCO, the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization, as a fundamental part of the Panamanian culture and identity.
How will your Emmy recognition influence your future work?
This Emmy recognition has boosted my confidence in the journalism field. My main focus of study at Northeastern is behavioral neuroscience and journalism has always been a side hobby that I have enjoyed. After winning this Emmy, I believe I will spend more time immersing myself in the journalism field to produce more stories like this one.
What aspect of your winning project was particularly newsworthy? What led you to submit it for Emmy consideration?
I believe that our winning project was particularly newsworthy because Panama is a country that is riddled with culture and stories to tell but is also struggling to maintain it. This opportunity allowed us to bring this country into the light and share its beauty with others.
How has being recognized by the Emmys changed the way you think about the future of journalism?
Journalism is always growing and changing. Winning this Emmy has given me hope that there are people out there who are interested and supporting our work. I wish that this recognition gives other students and journalists confidence in the field as well.
What does it mean to you to have your work recognized by a prestigious organization like the Emmys?
I am very proud of my work for being recognized by the Emmys. It gives me a sense of hope that my work is making a difference. It drives me to produce more pieces to share the wonders of others with the rest of the country and even the world.
Can you share an impactful experience you’ve had with the NU Journalism department that has informed the way you approach journalistic projects?
The most impactful experience that I had with the NU Journalism department was the On-ground Reporting class that traveled to Panama. I learned that journalism is much more than producing. It is about sharing other people’s stories and cultures with the world and giving others a voice, especially if theirs are marginalized and not often heard.
Any journalism co-op experience would you like to share?
My co-op experience has been in the medical field, but I hope to have a work opportunity in the journalism field sometime in the future!