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Art + Design

Caroline Cervera at work

CAMD student Caroline Cervera, pursuing a minor in Art History in the Department of Art and Design, has been selected to speak at an upcoming Art History Symposium at the Museum of Fine Arts. Over the course of her impressive academic career at Northeastern, Caroline has taken multiple courses in esoteric art, and has extensively researched topics such as Mesopotamian art, Neo-Assyrian gender concepts as explored through art, and political motivations behind the creation of the ancient arches of Titus and Septimius Severus.

Under the guidance of Dr. Milda Richardson, a lecturer in the Department of Art and Design, Caroline’s projects have included a Northeastern Dialogue in Lima, Peru; participation on an international archaeology dig in Gravina, Italy, through the University of Sheffield, UK; collections volunteer at the Harvard Semitic Museum, as well as associate editor of the “Ancient History Encyclopedia” in Horsham, UK.  Caroline, a graduating senior and Honors student, has been accepted to a number of graduate programs in classical art and archaeology across the world.   

“It has been a privilege to get to know and mentor Caroline Cervera. During our conversations about topics such as gender roles in Ancient Assyria, cylinder seals from Ur, or Roman triumphal arches, I always felt as if I were talking with an informed colleague, especially since she reads widely across disciplines,” explained Richardson. “With her passion for the Classical world and her integrity as a scholar, Caroline has taken advantage of every intellectual opportunity Northeastern has to offer and pursued studies beyond the Northeastern campus in such fields as ancient languages or Carthaginian numismatics.  She has undertaken extensive personal travel to further develop her understanding of cultures. A joy to work with!”

Caroline working on archaeology project

As a part of the MFA’s ninth annual art history symposium, Caroline will be one of eight college students delivering a lecture on an art history subject. Representing Northeastern University, Caroline’s talk is entitled “Catching Egyptomania: Appropriation of Ancient Egyptian Visual Culture in 19th Century America.”

“I am so excited to be giving my first public presentation of a paper,” said Caroline. “I hope that this is the first of many in my academic career.”

The symposium will be taking place on Saturday, April 08, beginning at 12 p.m. CAMD would like to congratulate Caroline, and wish her the best of luck in delivering her speech and representing Northeastern!

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