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Clareese Hill

Clareese Hill is a practice-based art researcher in XR and Immersive Media. She explores the validity of the word “identity” through her perspective as an Afro-Caribbean American woman and her societal role projected on her to perform as a Black feminist academic. She has given performance lectures at Royal College of Art, Goldsmiths’ College, University of London, University of Sussex, CUNY Graduate Center, The Chicago Art Department, and Smack Mellon in Brooklyn. In May 2020, she co-organized Occupying the In-Between, a day-long interactive art research platform that questioned the validity of knowledge production and the body disseminating the research. She has exhibited her research internationally in Chicago, New York, California, London, Europe, and cyberspace. Clareese has had articles published in the Architecture and Culture Journal by Taylor and Francis Press and in Antennae, the Journal of Nature and Culture. Clareese holds an MFA from The School of the Art Institute of Chicago (SAIC) and a practice-based research Ph.D. from Goldsmiths’ College, University of London.


Art + Design


  • Ph.D. Art Research, concentration in Mixed Realities and Creative Computing, Goldsmiths’ College, University of London
  • Master of Professional Studies, Interactive Telecommunication (ITP), New York University
  • MFA Studio Art, School of the Art Institute of Chicago