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People  •  Architecture  •  Visiting Associate Teaching Professor

Humbi Song

Humbi Song is a Visiting Assistant Professor of Design Research and Teaching.

Her work focuses on the intersection of design, technology, and interaction. She speculates on the possible futures of society and technology – on technologically-enhanced spaces and imagining new ways to interact with each other and with machines. Her research interests include Responsive Architecture, Digital Fabrication, Human-Computer Interaction, Kinetic Mechanisms, Electronics, Robotics, and AI.

She designs interactive installations that are responsive to human presence through electronics or kinetic movement. These architectural and sculptural works create sensory experiences through body-centric participation. As a fabricator, she specializes in using emerging technologies and techniques that blur the digital and the physical.

In research, she prioritizes interdisciplinary collaborations of architecture with psychology, sociology, engineering, and computation. Her prior research includes experiments using biometric sensing wearables to quantify the human spatial experience in urban environments, as mediated by emotions and memory formation.

Song has held faculty positions at the Harvard Graduate School of Design and Wentworth Institute of Technology. She held a Harvard-Cambridge Fellowship at the University of Cambridge, UK, and a Fabrication Residency at the Haystack Mountain School of Crafts. Song holds a Master’s in Architecture from the Harvard GSD and a B.A. from Harvard College in Social Studies and a secondary field in History of Art and Architecture.




  • M.Arch, Harvard University Graduate School of Design
  • G.S.A.P.P., Columbia University
  • Harvard-Cambridge Fellowship, University of Cambridge
  • B.A., Social Studies, secondary field in History of Art & Architecture, Harvard University