CAMD F1RST Scholars

The College of Arts, Media, and Design (CAMD) at Northeastern University recognizes the importance of cultivating diverse and inclusive communities among its students. First Generation (FirstGen) students, those students who are first in their families to attend college, are among those communities. FirstGen students are culturally diverse and bring unique and important perspectives to the classroom and beyond. They are bright, hard-working students who are proud of their First-Generation status.

01/29/16 - Boston, MA - Images of students spending time on the first floor of Curry Student Center.

Approximately 15% of Northeastern students come from low-income backgrounds and are the first in their families to attend college. FirstGen students often face academic, cultural, social, and financial challenges that can impact the quality of their collegiate experiences and shape their outlook on what is possible in the future.

We at CAMD are committed to fostering and nurturing our FirstGen students to ensure they achieve academic, professional, and personal success.

CAMD F1RST Scholars Program aims to provide First Generation (FirstGen) college students with the opportunity to engage with one another through a cohort-based model that focuses on academic success, career exploration, cultural immersion, identity exploration, networking, mentoring, professional development, and wellness.

We define FirstGen students as students who are first in their families to attend college/university to attain a bachelor’s degree.

Goals and Objectives

  • Create connections among students to foster a sense of belonging and community.
  • Engage students in life development workshops that strengthen personal and professional growth, such as financial literacy, public speaking, resume building, etc.
  • Provide guidance and support to students as they navigate their own successes and challenges during their time at Northeastern.
  • Encourage students to take advantage of what Northeastern, CAMD, and Boston have to offer.
  • Foster mentoring relationships among FirstGen faculty, staff, and alumni to increase networking opportunities.

Students who identify as FirstGen are eligible to participate in the program. Students will be chosen through an application and interview process. Students who are selected as CAMD F1RST Scholars will be required to participate in the following:

  • Attend a welcome orientation session at the beginning of the semester.
  • Attend bi-weekly meetings as a cohort. 
  • Attend individual meetings throughout the academic year with the Director of Diversity Initiatives and Engagement.  
  • Attend educational workshops, cultural programming, and social outings including a NYC industry trip over Spring Break 2023 at no cost (exact dates TBD).

CAMD F1RST Scholars receive:

  • $3,000 cash stipend divided in two (fall and spring semesters) during their first year of the program
  • $2,000 technology and supplies stipend (to provide for a laptop, software, or other specialty supplies that are unique to the CAMD disciplinary curriculum (such as computer software and design programs, architecture supplies, etc.)