Indigenous Peoples Heritage

Northeastern University sits on the original homeland of Wampanoag, Nipmuc, and Massachusett tribal nations.

11/06/17 - BOSTON, MA. Students walk through Centennial Common as the leaves change colors on Nov. 6, 2017. Photo by Adam Glanzman/Northeastern University

Since the 90’s, every President has issued annual proclamations during the month of November to acknowledge and celebrate the accomplishments, culture, contributions, and history of people who were the first to live on the land that its currently known as the United State of America.  It wasn’t until 2020 that a proclamation was issued officially designating November as National Native American Heritage Month — or Indigenous Peoples Heritage Month as it is more accurately recognized by several indigenous and non-indigenous communities.

Knowing the history of Indigenous People in this country is the first step to engaging in conversations and dialogues around issues that affect Indigenous People today. Here are some things we all can do to honor Indigenous Peoples throughout the year, not just during the month of November:

Connect with the Native & Indigenous Affinity Group

Launched in Fall 2016, the Native & Indigenous Affinity Group serves as a resource for Native and/or Indigenous members of Northeastern’s faculty, staff or student body to come together and converse.

The group uses its resources to provide support, spread awareness and promote thoughtful discussion between its members and allies.

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