The Experience Design Lab explores new approaches for how we design systems, environments, and services with a focus on how humans experience concrete situations.
- Performance and non-script based frameworks for experience design.
- Improvisation-based design for interactions in hybrid cities.
- Design and the future workplace.
- Human-robot collaboration in the seafood industry (NSF-CRISP).
- Mobile eye-tracking supported research of human experience in urban environments.
Faculty Coordinator
CRISP | Co-worker Robots to Impact Seafood Processing
Designs, Tools and Methods for Enhanced Worker Experience
A multi-year research initiative for Experience Design Lab and the Institute for Experiential Robotics at Northeastern University. This work was supported by the National Science Foundation.
Recent Publications and Presentations
- Productive Inconvenience: Facilitating Posture Variability by Stimulating Robot-to-Human Handovers, 2022 IEEE International Conference on Robot & Human Interactive Communication
Designing New Forms of Work, 2022 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation
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