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Concept Mapping Workshop – Hugh Dubberly

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On March 17th, 2023, the Information Design & Data Visualization (IDDV) students had the opportunity to attend a workshop on Concept Mapping conducted by the renowned designer, artist, and educator Hugh Dubberly. The workshop covered several critical aspects, such as Stocks and Flows, Design Systems, Feedback, and Storyboarding, providing the students with practical insights into the design industry.

Hugh Dubberly has been an influential figure in the design industry for many years, having worked for major companies such as Apple, Netscape, and Sun Microsystems. He has also served as a professor and lecturer at several prestigious universities and design schools, including the California College of the Arts and the Hasso Plattner Institute of Design at Stanford University. Throughout his illustrious career, Hugh Dubberly has been a vocal advocate for the importance of design thinking and user-centered design.

During the Concept Mapping Workshop, students had the opportunity to participate in various exciting activities designed to enhance their skills. One of the activities involved the concept mapping for Yellowstone Park wildlife was particularly interesting, as it allowed the students to collaborate and develop a visual representation of a complex system. The exercise highlighted the importance of identifying and understanding the various components of a system, and how they interact with one another. This activity helped the students to develop a holistic perspective and think beyond individual components.

Throughout the workshop, the students were introduced to the fundamental principles of concept mapping, design systems, and stocks and flows. They were able to gain invaluable insights into these critical concepts and how they could be effectively applied in their future careers in the field of design.

Overall, the Concept Mapping Workshop by Hugh Dubberly was a resounding success, providing the students with the opportunity to learn from an industry expert and gain practical experience in the field of design. The students also acquired a renewed appreciation for the importance of teamwork, collaboration, and effective communication in the design process, which will serve them well in their future endeavors.



Hugh Dubberly

