Signs: Advancing Feminism, Reshaping Scholarship

Sep 28, 2015
7:30 pm
Gallery 360
Exhibition: August 25 – November 1, 2015, Gallery 360

Reception: Monday September 28, 2015, at 7:30 PM

For forty years, Signs journal has redefined the forefront of interdisciplinary scholarship by challenging the boundaries of knowledge concerning women and men with cutting-edge approaches to feminist, queer, and antiracist visions of social transformation. Recognized as the leading journal of women and gender studies, Signs is at the forefront of new directions in feminist scholarship. Throughout its history, the journal has featured artwork by artists such as Kara Walker and Yoko Ono, as well as other women artists from around the world.

Drawing on extraordinary regional strengths in this field, and on the Graduate Consortium in Women’s Studies, the Editorial Board of Signs includes more than sixty academics from nine of the area’s best colleges and universities and its arrival puts Northeastern at the center of a vibrant community of renowned intellectuals.

Please join us for a reception and meet Editor in Chief Suzanna Danuta Walters, Board Chair Carla Kaplan, and members of Signs distinguished Board of Editors.


