Snowed In

Created by graduate students: Kevin Zhan, Gavin Epstein,  Zhouyong “Joe” Jin, Xiangqing “Harry” Guan, Bitan “Victor” Wu


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Snowed InYou wake up in a strange building in the middle of a snow-covered landscape. Your job as the player is to figure out who you are, why you are here, what happened, and what you should do next. Information must be interpreted from clues within the environment, and each person may find different clues or read them differently, resulting in a different interpretation of the story.

Credits: Kevin Zhan, Gavin Epstein,  Zhouyong “Joe” Jin, Xiangqing “Harry” Guan, Bitan “Victor” Wu

Created for GSND 6250: Spatial and Temporal Design

Fall 2023, Boston campus



Student Work Showcase
