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ACM Interaction Design and Children Conference 2018


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Each year, hundreds of papers and projects are submitted by students and educators to conferences across the world with the hope that the authors will get the chance to share their work with their communities. CAMD is excited to learn that several students, faculty, and alumni have had papers accepted to multiple conferences hosted by the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) International Conference Series.

Game Science and Design student Erinç Argimak and Postdoctoral Researchers Giovanni Troiano and Sam Snodgrass worked on research that was accepted to the 2019 Interaction Design and Children Conference (IDC). Taking place this year in Boise, Idaho from June 12-15, this conference focuses on bringing together researchers, educators, and practitioners to collaborate and share their findings in areas of inclusive child-centered design. The 2019 theme is “Live Healthy”, and will feature work that encourages creative and healthy ways for children to interact with technology.

The Designing Interacting Systems Conference (DIS), an international and interdisciplinary event concentrated on the design and deployment of interactive systems, will be held in San Diego, California from June 23-28. Tyler Corwin, Game Science and Design alumnus and Research Associate in the Northeastern University Game Studio, had his research accepted to the DIS Conference. His work falls under this year’s theme of “Contesting Borders and Interactions”, which requires submissions to critique and push boundaries in interactive design. DIS will coincide with another ACM event this year, the Creativity and Cognition Conference, in the form of a day of overlapping programming and a shared art show in an attempt to strengthen the networks and dialogue between two related scholarly communities.

The Creativity and Cognition Conference will also be hosted in San Diego and will take place from June 23-28. Kyros Jalife, another Game Science and Design alumnus, recently had his research accepted to this conference, which aims to bring together professionals in order to better understand how people and technology interact with creative processes. All 2019 entries were required to fall within the theme of “Transformational Creativity”, by exploring the impact that creativity can have on cultures.

Congratulations to all of our CAMD community members who have had their work accepted to be presented at these various events!

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