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This year the SoA is initiating a new school-wide design prize- the SoA Portfolio Prize– which will recognize the cumulative design work throughout studies in the SoA.
All eligible students may submit their portfolios for consideration.
Students who are eligible to submit include:
- All undergraduate and graduate students who are enrolled in a program in the SoA and have completed at least 3 semesters of study in their degree program.
There will be one award.
NEW: The deadline for submission is now: 3:00pm on Friday, April 06.
The prize recipient will be announced at the student awards event on Tuesday, April 10, 6pm at the Curry Student Center.
The Portfolio’s will be reviewed by three SoA design faculty and two visiting designers. All judges will be announced in the near future.
Portfolio submission Requirements:
1- Printed and bound.
2- Maximum size- 11″ x 11″ (Can be any proportion, landscape or portrait format)
3- Portfolio may include: All creative work including- studio design work, work from other classes, work that is in process, work from co-op or other professional experiences, work from previous undergraduate studies, work that you have undertaken independent from school studies or jobs.
4- Design work that was developed in a team or part of a professional context, which is not exclusively the work of the submitter, must be appropriately credited to all parties.
5-Anonymous-leave your name off the portfolio. You will be assigned a number when you drop it off.
Deliver portfolios to Mary Hughes in the Architecture Office, Ryder 151 by 3:00pm on Friday, April 06.