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3Qs: Examining the debate: Expert says ‘an obvious winner and loser’

At long last, Repub­lican Donald Trump and Demo­crat Hillary Clinton took the stage Monday night for the first pres­i­den­tial debate of this elec­tion year. Trump said he has a better tem­pera­ment to be pres­i­dent than Clinton, who he said has expe­ri­ence that is “bad expe­ri­ence.” Clinton, on the other hand, pres­sured Trump about releasing his tax returns—going so far as to sug­gest he may not have paid fed­eral taxes—his sup­port for the Iraq War, and his busi­ness practices.

We asked Alan Schroeder, pro­fessor of jour­nalism and an expert on tele­vised debates, how the can­di­dates per­formed and whether the debate lived up to the hype.

Read Professor’s answers in the September 27, news@Northeastern.