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Game Science, Graduate Certificate

The Graduate Certificate in Game Science offers students an opportunity to obtain the ability to analyze player experiences with new state-of-the-art methods and techniques, such as game analytics and biometrics, as well as more traditional ones, such as interviews and surveys. Students get hands-on experience with these methods and techniques under the guidance of world leading faculty and industry experts in game science.

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In the competitive game industry, game science has become a strategic necessity. In order to improve games and guarantee games are well received by a large and diverse audience, it is key to understand different player experiences. Furthermore, the game development process has shifted from “design, develop, release” to “design, develop, release, and continuously fine-tune based on user data.” Game science plays a critical role in this new process.

As game companies have realized the importance of game science in the process of design and production, they have dramatically increased the demand for qualified game user researchers and game analysts. Northeastern’s unique Graduate Certificate in Game Science is a one-year, 17-semester-hour program developed to meet this need. Embedded in the CAMD graduate course offerings, students in the certificate program will have the opportunity to join CAMD graduate students from diverse disciplines for a range of events, exhibitions, guest lectures and workshops.

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this certificate, students should be able to integrate game science into their practice, which involves applying methods, tools, and techniques to systematically study and understand players and games.

Career Opportunities

  • Data Analyst
  • User Researcher
  • Game Designer
  • QA Tester
  • Game Scientist

Multidisciplinary Skills

  • Systems thinking
  • Teamwork
  • Entrepreneurial
  • Analytical skills
  • Time Management
  • Project Management


Resources and Community

Program Coordinator

Admissions Contact