Civil Engineering and Architectural Studies, BSCE

Challenges like sustainability and resilience in the built environment cross traditional disciplinary boundaries and require a range of skills, approaches and knowledge.

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Students who wish to practice as professional engineers while drawing on foundational architectural principles may combine the full, ABET-accredited Civil Engineering degree with Architectural Studies for a Combined Major. Students successfully completing the program receive a rigorous engineering training education, enabling a high level of engineering knowledge as well as exposure to a broad range of architectural topics and design experiences. Coursework in the major may enable advanced placement in an accredited Master of Architecture degree program (including at Northeastern), should students later choose to become licensed architects.

Students also have the opportunity to undertake a co-op experience consistent with the policies and opportunities offered within the College of Engineering.

Learning Outcomes

Students who graduate from Northeastern University with a degree in architecture, architectural studies or landscape architecture will have:

  1. Utilize design processes and two- and three-dimensional representation skills for deciphering, communicating, and shaping the built environment.
  2. Analyze the reciprocal influences among global socio-cultural and historical contexts, built environments, and the communities that inhabit them.
  3. Apply knowledge of design methods that ensure sustainability, resilience, health, safety, and welfare in the built environment.
  4. Acquire skills of communication and collaboration necessary for managing complex projects and working with diverse constituents.
  5. Demonstrate knowledge of fundamental constructions systems and how building technologies impact the built environment.
  6. Employ research methods to analyze and decipher complex environments.
  7. Identify the diverse range of professional practices and regulations applicable to designing the built environment.
  8. Understand the ethical responsibilities involved in designing the built environment.


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