Rhetoric, Minor

The Rhetoric minor offers students the opportunity to acquire competence in the history, theory, and criticism of civic discourse and cultural practices.

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10/25/18 - BOSTON, MA. - Northeastern students Abdelrahman Elsaadany, JoJo Brennan, and Morgan Blaney, host a video conference with Lia Sanchez from UNIFE University in Lima, Peru in the lobby of International Village on Oct. 25, 2018. Photo by Matthew Modoono/Northeastern University

The rhetoric minor brings together courses from both the communication studies and English departments, from which students may learn about the nature and function of rhetoric in politics, the professions, and the media. As in most universities, rhetoric has a home in two departments at Northeastern: in Communication Studies and in English. The rhetoricians in both departments have designed this interdisciplinary minor to offer students a way of exploring their interest in the field across departmental boundaries. The ancients theorized and taught rhetoric as the art of speaking and as a necessity for the participation throughout diverse forums in democratic societies. Contemporary rhetorical education extends this investigation beyond the spoken to include exploration of any form of human discourse that persuades others to change their minds or to take action; creates knowledge; and/or shapes identity and culture. The minor gives students a foundation in the classical tradition as well as vast opportunities to consider theories and critical practices The minor in rhetoric is appropriate for any student interested in the ways that symbols work to influence thought and action. Students from any major are welcome, although it is typically most attractive to students majoring in communication studies, English, history, political science, philosophy, and psychology. The minor consists of five courses. To ensure an interdisciplinary experience, at least two courses must come from Communication and two from English.

Co-Op Opportunities 

  • Zipcar
  • Wayfair
  • TJMaxx and HomeGoods
  • Strong Women Strong Girls
  • Southwest Airlines
  • Liberty Mutual
  • Johnson & Johnson
  • John Hancock
  • Institute of Contemporary Art
  • Eaton Vance Management
  • Donna Karan International
  • Dana Farber Cancer Institute
  • Constant Contact
  • Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
  • Arnold Worldwide
  • Amazon

Career Opportunities

  • Account Executive
  • Brand Manager
  • Campaign Manager
  • Campaign Worker
  • Creative Director
  • Development Officer
  • Human Resources Professional
  • Legislative Assistant
  • Lawyer
  • Lobbyist
  • Media Planner
  • Meeting/Event Planner
  • Personnel Recruiter
  • Public Information Officer
  • Public Relations Specialist
  • Sales Representative
  • Social Media Manager
  • Speech Writer
  • Researcher
  • Health Educator
  • Writer

Multidisciplinary Skills

  • ability to work under pressure
  • creative problem-solving skills
  • critical thinking
  • leadership skills
  • listening
  • performance and presentation skills
  • project management skills
  • verbal and written communication skills


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