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Architecture, BS

The School of Architecture’s pre-professional undergraduate curriculum provides students with the necessary skills to design sustainably and ethically, and trains them to meet the complex challenges of current and future urban environments.

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Northeastern University’s School of Architecture offers a Bachelor of Science degree in Architecture. The undergraduate curriculum links together the professional training necessary for a career in the field with the creative problem-solving and liberal arts preparation that is critical for navigating the challenges of today’s world.

Our pre-professional curriculum pairs studio courses with relevant architecture history and technology courses to support the comprehensive student learning experience. Students engage in a variety of hands-on, project-based studios that encourage them to seek sustainable solutions to complex urban environments on topics ranging from housing to infrastructure to institutions. Our small class sizes allow for both individualized instruction as well as collaborative problem solving. Students will also have frequent interaction with prominent professionals through project presentations, lecture series, and in-class presentations.

Students may choose between a 4-year degree (with one six-month co-op and optional 4-month summer work experience) or a 5-year degree (with two six-month co-ops). The co-op experience allows students to gain real-world experience in architecture that aids them in both their academic development and in professional advancement and can often be applied to the required AXP credits towards professional licensure. There are also numerous opportunities to take semesters or summer courses abroad or at the Mills at Northeastern campus.

Applicants should note that the BS degree, like most undergraduate degrees in architecture, is not sufficient one its own to meet the academic requirement to sit for state licensure. However graduates of Northeastern’s BS Architecture program in good standing are also eligible to enter our NAAB–accredited, one-year M.Arch program, allowing our own students to achieve a master’s degree in an efficient and timely manner.

Learning Outcomes

Students who graduate from Northeastern University with a degree in architecture, architectural studies or landscape architecture will be able to:

  1. Utilize design processes and two- and three-dimensional representation skills for deciphering, communicating, and shaping the built environment.
  2. Analyze the reciprocal influences among global socio-cultural and historical contexts, built environments, and the communities that inhabit them.
  3. Apply knowledge of design methods that ensure sustainability, resilience, health, safety, and welfare in the built environment.
  4. Acquire skills of communication and collaboration necessary for managing complex projects and working with diverse constituents.
  5. Demonstrate knowledge of fundamental constructions systems and how building technologies impact the built environment.
  6. Employ research methods to analyze and decipher complex environments.
  7. Identify the diverse range of professional practices and regulations applicable to designing the built environment.
  8. Understand the ethical responsibilities involved in designing the built environment.


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