Theoretical Analysis of State-Wide Opioid Campaign
Communication Studies
This project studied the effectiveness of an opiod awareness campaign. This analysis showed that the campaign struggled to communicate the aspects of the Health Belief Model necessary to prompt behavior change.

Addressing Science-related Misinformation: Exploring Cross-Cultural Differences and NGO Responses
Communication Studies
The key focus of the research is the relationship between vaccine hesitancy and climate change denial because of misinformation, specifically on how it is perceived because of social media.

What if?
Communication Studies
Class: MSCR 1230 Introduction to Film Production sec. 2 Instructor: Seth Mulliken, Assistant Teaching Professor Spring 2018

Nobody Ever Does That!
Communication Studies
Watch the short film created in MSCR 1230: Introduction to Film Production.

Found Signals
Communication Studies
Class: MSCR 1230 Introduction to Film Production sec. 1 Instructor: Seth Mulliken, Assistant Teaching Professor Spring 2018

Nobody Ever Does That!
Communication Studies
Watch the short film created in MSCR 1230: Introduction to Film Production.

Found Signals
Communication Studies
Class: MSCR 1230 Introduction to Film Production sec. 1 Instructor: Seth Mulliken, Assistant Teaching Professor Spring 2018

Theoretical Analysis of State-Wide Opioid Campaign
Communication Studies
This project studied the effectiveness of an opiod awareness campaign. This analysis showed that the campaign struggled to communicate the aspects of the Health Belief Model necessary to prompt behavior change.

Addressing Science-related Misinformation: Exploring Cross-Cultural Differences and NGO Responses
Communication Studies
The key focus of the research is the relationship between vaccine hesitancy and climate change denial because of misinformation, specifically on how it is perceived because of social media.

What if?
Communication Studies
Class: MSCR 1230 Introduction to Film Production sec. 2 Instructor: Seth Mulliken, Assistant Teaching Professor Spring 2018

Carousel with one slide shown at a time. Use the Previous and Next buttons to navigate.

Found Signals
Communication Studies
Class: MSCR 1230 Introduction to Film Production sec. 1 Instructor: Seth Mulliken, Assistant Teaching Professor Spring 2018

Theoretical Analysis of State-Wide Opioid Campaign
Communication Studies
This project studied the effectiveness of an opiod awareness campaign. This analysis showed that the campaign struggled to communicate the aspects of the Health Belief Model necessary to prompt behavior change.

Addressing Science-related Misinformation: Exploring Cross-Cultural Differences and NGO Responses
Communication Studies
The key focus of the research is the relationship between vaccine hesitancy and climate change denial because of misinformation, specifically on how it is perceived because of social media.

What if?
Communication Studies
Class: MSCR 1230 Introduction to Film Production sec. 2 Instructor: Seth Mulliken, Assistant Teaching Professor Spring 2018

Nobody Ever Does That!
Communication Studies
Watch the short film created in MSCR 1230: Introduction to Film Production.

Faculty Research
The Communication Studies Department engages in a broad range of research at the cutting edge of communication, media studies, and related disciplines. Our faculty are interested in documenting, understanding, and explaining how human communication and the media shape everyday lives.
Our interests are broad enough to include many of the sub-disciplines that comprise the discipline: critical-cultural, digital, health, intercultural and international, interpersonal, mass communication, media studies, organizational, political and environmental, and rhetorical studies. Recent scholarship by our faculty includes volumes published by prestigious university presses, articles published in leading academic journals, and contributions to popular magazines and influential blogs.
The links below connect with pages that illustrate some of the exciting research and scholarly activity being done here at Northeastern University.
Recent Research Projects & Publications
Books authored, co-authored, or edited by Communication faculty
Alberts, Jess K., Thomas K. Nakayama, and Judith N. Martin. Human Communication in Society. 5th ed. Boston: Pearson, 2019.
Alberts, Jess K., Thomas K. Nakayama, and Judith N. Martin. Human Communication in Society, 4th edition. Boston, MA: Pearson, 2016.
Alberts, Janet K., Thomas K. Nakayama, and Judith N. Martin. Human Communication in Society, 3rd ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2012.
Alberts, Jess K., Judith N. Martin, and Thomas K. Nakayama. Communication in Society.Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon, 2011.
Alper, Meryl. Giving Voice: Mobile Communication, Disability, and Inequality. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2017.
Bartsch, Tim C., Michael Hoppmann, Bernd Rex, and Markus Vergeest: Trainingsbuch Rhetorik (Handbook of Rhetorical Training), 3rd, rev. ed. Paderborn, DE: UTB-Schöningh, 2012.
Drzewiecka, Jolanta A., and Thomas K. Nakayama (eds.). Global Dialectics in Intercultural Communication: Case Studies. New York, NY: Peter Lang, 2018.
Ellis, Ryan, and Vivek Mohan, eds. Rewired: Cybersecurity Governance. New York, NY: Wiley, 2019.
Goodale, Greg. The Rhetorical Invention of Man: A History of Distinguishing Humans From Other Animals. Lanham, MD: Lexington, 2015.
Goodale, Greg. Sonic Persuasion: Reading Sound in the Recorded Age. Chicago, IL: University of Illinois Press, 2011.
Goodale, Greg, and Jason Edward Black, eds. Arguments About Animal Ethics. New York, NY: Lexington, 2010.
Herbeck, Dale A., and Susan J. Drucker (eds.). Communication and the Baseball Stadium: Community, Commodification, Fanship, and Memory. New York, NY: Peter Lang, 2017.
Herrmann, Markus, Michael Hoppmann, Jasmin Taraman, and Karsten Stölzgen: Schlüsselkompetenz Argumentation (Argumentative Competence). 2nd, revised ed., Paderborn, DE: UTB-Schöningh, 2012.
Jackson, Sarah. Black Celebrity, Racial Politics, and the Press: Framing Dissent. New York, NY: Routledge, 2014.
Katula, Richard. The Eloquence of Edward Everett: America’s Greatest Orator. Dorchester, MA: Dorchester Historical Society, 2009.
Manning, Jimmie, and Carey Noland (eds.). Contemporary Studies of Sexuality and Communication: Theory and Practice. Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt Publishers, 2016.
Marshall, P. David, and Joanne Morreale. Advertising and Promotional Culture: Case Studies. London: McMillan, December 2017.
Martin, Judith N., and Thomas K. Nakayama. Experiencing Intercultural Communication, 6th ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 2018.
Martin, Judith N., and Thomas K. Nakayama. Experiencing Intercultural Communication, 5th ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 2014.
Martin, Judith N., and Thomas K. Nakayama. Intercultural Communication in Contexts, 6th ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 2013.
McIntosh, Dawn Marie, Dreama G. Moon, and Thomas K. Nakayama, eds. Interrogating the Communicative Power of Whiteness. New York: Routledge, 2019.
Murphy, James J., Richard A. Katula, and Michael Hoppmann. A Synoptic History of Classical Rhetoric, 4th ed. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum, 2013.
Nakayama, Thomas K., and Rona Tamiko Halualani, eds. The Handbook of Critical Intercultural Communication. Malden, MA: Blackwell, 2010.
Nisbet, Matthew C. (editor in Chief); Mike S. Schäfer, Ezra Markowitz, Jagadish Thaker, Shirley S. Ho, and Saffron S. O’Neill (assoc. editors). The Oxford Encyclopedia of Climate Change Communication (3 vol.) New York: Oxford University Press, 2018.
Nisbet, Matthew C. (editor in chief). The Oxford Encyclopedia of Climate Change Communication (3 volumes). London, UK: Oxford University Press, 2017.
Noland, Carey. Sextalk: The Role of Communication in Intimate Relationships. Los Angeles, CA: Praeger, 2010.
Noland, Carey, Jimmie Manning, and Janet MacLennan. Case Studies in Communication about Sex. London, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishers, 2010.
Reagle, Joseph. Hacking Life: Systematized Living and Its Discontents. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2019.
Reagle, Joseph. Reading the Comments: Likers, Haters, and Manipulators at the Bottom of the Web. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2015.
Reagle, Joseph. Good Faith Collaboration: The Culture of Wikipedia. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2010.
Tedford, Thomas L., and Dale A. Herbeck. Freedom of Speech in the United States, 8th ed. State College, PA: Strata, 2017.
Tedford, Thomas L., and Dale A. Herbeck. Freedom of Speech in the United States, 7th ed. State College, PA: Strata, 2013.
Zaremba, Alan. Sports Communication: Dimensions, Theory, Applications, and Culture. Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt, 2019.
Zaremba, Alan. Crisis Communication: Theory and Practice. Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe, 2010.
Zaremba, Alan. The Madness of March: Bonding and Betting with the Boys in Las Vegas.Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press, 2009.
Zaremba, Alan. Organizational Communication, 3rd edition. New York, NY: Oxford University Press. 2010.
Zaremba, Alan. Speaking Professionally: Influence, Power, and Responsibility at the Podium, 2nd edition. Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe 2011.
Chapters in edited volumes by Communication Studies faculty:
Drury, Sara A. Mehltretter, and Dale A. Herbeck. “A Typology of Donald Trump’s Ad Hominem in the 2016 Presidential Election.” In Bart Garssen, David Godden, Gordon Mitchell, and Jean Wegemans (eds.), Proceedings of the Ninth Conference of the International Society for the Study of Argumentation, edited by (Amsterdam, NL: Sic Sat, 2019), pp. 804-812.
Hoppmann, Michael. “Is It Reasonable to be Funny?” In Bart Garssen, David Godden, Gordon Mitchell, and Jean Wegemans (eds.), Proceedings of the Ninth Conference of the International Society for the Study of Argumentation, edited by (Amsterdam, NL: Sic Sat, 2019), pp. 521-527.
Hwang, Jungyun, A. Fernandez, and Amy S. Lu. “Application and Validation of Activity Monitors’ Epoch Lengths and Placement Sites for Physical Activity Assessment in Exergaming.” In Zao Gao and Jung Eun Lee (eds.), Emerging Technology Applications to Promote Physical Activity and Health (Basel, Switzerland: MDPI, 2019), pp. 18-32.
Ellis, Ryan. “Anatomy of a Failed Intervention: The FCC Revisits Municipal Broadband.” In D. Travers Scott and Adrienne Shaw (eds.), ICA Theme Book (pp. 131-142). New York, NY: Peter Lang, 2018.
Ellis, Ryan, Keman Huang, Michael Siegel, Katie Moussouris, and James Houghton. “Fixing a Hole: The Labor Market for Bugs.” In Howard Shrobe, David L. Shrier, and Alex Pentland (eds.), New Solutions for Cybersecurity (pp. 122-147). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2018.
Hestres, Louis, and Matthew C. Nisbet. “Environmental Advocacy at the Dawn of the Trump Era.” In Norman J. Vig and Michael Kraft (eds.), Environmental Policy: New Directions for the Twenty-First Century (pp. 66-86). Washington, DC: Congressional Quarterly Press, 2018.
Hoppmann, Michael. “Can We All Agree? Commentary on Hoffmann’s Fostering Reflection and Self-correcting Reasoning with Deliberation and Argument Visualization Systems.” In S. Oswald and D. Maillat (eds.), Argumentation and Inference: Proceedings of the 2nd European Conference on Argumentation (pp. 253-260). London: College Publications, 2018.
Hoppmann, Michael. “Towards a Chemical Taxonomy for Types Of Arguments and Inferences.” In S. Oswald and D. Maillat (eds.), Argumentation and Inference: Proceedings of the 2nd European Conference on Argumentation (pp. 589-602). London: College Publications, 2018.
Morreale, Joanne. “Nurse Jackie: I Say a Little Prayer.” In Douglas L. Howard and David Bianculli (eds.), Television Finales: From Howdy Doody to Girls (pp. 260-265). Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press.
Morreale, Joanne. “The Prisoner: Fall Out.” In Douglas L. Howard and David Bianculli (eds.), Television Finales: From Howdy Doody to Girls (pp. 289-294). Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press.
Nisbet, Matthew C. “Preface.” In Matthew C. Nisbet, Matthew C. (editor in chief),The Oxford Encyclopedia of Climate Change Communication (3 vol.) (pp. xix-xxi). New York: Oxford University Press, 2018.
O’Malley, Donica. “‘Puerto Rican and Redheaded!?’: Constructions of Race, Ethnicity, and Identity on Switched at Birth.” In Emily Newman and Emily Witsell (eds.), ABC Family to FreeForm TV: Essays on the Millenial-Focused Network and its Programs (139-155). Jefferson, NC: McFarland and Company, 2018.
Alper, Meryl, and Beth Haller. “Social Media Use and Mediated Sociality Among Individuals with Communication Disabilities in the Digital Age.” In Katie Ellis and Mike Kent (eds.), Disability and Social Media: Global Perspectives (pp. 133-145). London, UK: Routledge, 2017.
Deseriis, Marco. “The Faker as Producer: The Politics of Fabrication and the Three Orders of the Fake.” In Marilyn DeLaure and Moritz Fink (eds.), Culture Jamming: Activism and the Art of Cultural Resistance (pp. 91-112). New York: New York University Press, 2017.
Jackson, Sarah J. “From the Black Press to Black Twitter: The Importance of African American Journalism in Urban Uprisings.” In Linda Steiner and Silvio Waisbord (eds.), News of Baltimore: Race, Rage and the City (pp. 139-157). New York, NY: Routledge, 2017.
Pietrucci, Pamela, and Andrea Baldini. “Knitting a Community Back Together: Post-Disaster Public Art as Citizenship Engagement.” In Laura Iannelli and Pierluigi Musarò (eds.), Performative Citizenship. Public Art, Urban Design, and Political Participation (pp. 115-132). London UK/Bologna IT: Mimesis International, 2017.
Fahy, Declan, and Matthew C. Nisbet. “The Ecomodernists: Journalists Re-Imagining a Sustainable Future.” Forthcoming in Peter Berglez, Ulrika Olausson, Marts Ots (eds.), What is Sustainable Journalism? Integrating the Environmental, Social, and Economic Challenges of Journalism (pp. 39-56). Oxford, UK: Peter Lang.
Nisbet, Matthew C, and Declan Fahy. “Models of Knowledge-Based Journalism.” In Kathleen H. Jamieson, Dietram A. Scheufele, and Dan M. Kahan (eds.), Oxford Handbook of the Science of Science Communication (pp. 273-283). London: Oxford University Press, 2017.
Zaremba, Alan. “Passing Bad Paper.” In Corey Liberman, Dariela Rodriguez, and Theodore Avtgis (eds.), Casing Crisis and Risk Communication (pp. 57-67). Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt, 2017.
The Communication Studies faculty regularly participates in conferences, seminars, and workshops sponsored by leading professional associations. In recent years, the faculty has presented their research at events sponsored by the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Broadcast Education Association, Eastern Communication Association, International Communication Association, and the National Communication Association.
Alper, Meryl, Susan Mello, and A. Allen. “Physician Mediation Theory and Pediatric Media Guidance in the Digital Age: A Survey of Autism Medical and Clinical Professionals.” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the International Communication Association, Washington, DC, May 2019.
Alper, Meryl. “Portables, Luggables, and Transportables: Historicizing the Imagined Affordances of Mobile Computing.” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the International Communication Association, Washington, DC, May 2019.
Alper, Meryl. “The Cultural Politics of ‘Sensory-Friendly’ Mediated Spaces.” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the International Communication Association, Washington, DC, May 2019.
Ellis, Ryan. “No More Free Bugs: The Invention of the Market for Software Vulnerabilities.” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the International Communication Association, Washington, DC, May 2019.
Foucault Welles, Brooke, and Ryan Gallagher. “The Networked Disclosure Landscape of #MeToo.” Paper presented at the INSNA Sunbelt conference, Montreal, Canada, June 2019.
Gallagher, Ryan J., and Brooke Foucault Welles. “Core-Periphery Decomposition of Networked Publics and Counterpublics.” Paper presented at Annual Meeting of the International Communication Association, Washington, DC, May 2019.
Gallagher, Ryan J., and Brooke Foucault Welles. “Core-Periphery Decomposition of Online Social Protest Networks.” Paper presented at the INSNA Sunbelt Conference, Montreal, Canada, June 2019.
Gallagher, Ryan J., and Brooke Foucault Welles. “Mischaracterization of Core-Periphery Structure in Complex Networks.” Paper presented at the Network Science Conference (NetSci19), Burlington, VT, May 2019.
Granelli, Steve. “Igniting Passion for Posters: Introducing Conference Presentations Through the Basic Course.” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Eastern Communication Association, Providence, RI, April 2019.
Granelli, Steve. “Silver Screen in the Squared Circle: Influence of Infamous Popular Culture Figures on Professional Wrestling Performance.” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Popular Culture Association, Washington, DC, April 2019.
Hobeika, Odile, and Thomas Nakayama. “Racial Prism or Prison: Figuring the ‘Arab’ in the U.S. Census.” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Eastern Communication Association, Providence, RI, April 2019.
Hoppmann, Michael. “Grice, Machine Head and the Problem of an Overexpressed Premise.” Paper presented at the European Conference on Argumentation, Groningen, NL, June 2019.
Hoppmann, Michael. “Reasonable Reconstruction of Socratic Irony in Modern Political Discourse.” Paper presented at the Conference of the American Society for the History of Rhetoric (ASHR), Austin, TX, July 2019.
Hwang, Jungyun, A. Fernandez, S. Gutiérrez-Arango, M. Hashimoto, C. Hillman, and Amy S. Lu. “Classification of Physical Activity Intensities for Exergaming using a Hip-worn Accelerometer in 8-to-12-year-old Children.” Abstract presented at the International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity Convention, Prague, Czech Republic, June 2019.
Hwang, Jungyun, and Amy S. Lu. “Comparison of Physical Activity Behavior Through an Active Video Game Intervention between Lean and Overweight-obese Children.” Poster presented at the Society of Behavioral Medicine, Washington, DC, March 2019.
Jackson, Sarah J. “Racial Capitalism, Black Resistance, and New Media Scholarship.” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the International Communication Association, Washington, DC, May 2019.
Kevoe-Feldman, Heidi. “Caller Management in Crisis Calls: Communication Strategies for Gaining the Cooperation of Emotional 9-1-1 Callers.” Paper presented at Navigator 2019: The premier conference for Police, Fire, and Medical Dispatch, sponsored by the International Academy of Emergency Dispatch, National Harbor, MD, April 2019.
Kevoe-Feldman, Heidi. “Gaining Cooperation of Emotional 911 Callers in Crisis.” Paper presented at 2019 Conference of the National Emergency Number Association, Orlando, FL, June 2019.
Lindfors, Rich, and Heidi Kevoe-Feldman. “Sticks and Stones May Never Hurt Me, but How You Talk to Me Can!” Paper presented at Navigator 2019: The premier conference for Police, Fire, and Medical Dispatch, sponsored by the International Academy of Emergency Dispatch. National Harbor, Maryland, April 2019.
Lu, Amy Shirong, Hannah Snow Doolittle, and Jungyun Hwang. “Difference in Energy Expenditure Among Children of Different Weight Groups During Active Game Play.” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the International Communication Association, Washington, DC, May 2019.
Lu, Amy Shirong, Melanie Green, and Debbe Thompson. “The Dos and Don’ts of Increasing Children’s Physical Activity Through Narrative Game Design: An Exploratory Thematic Analysis.” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the International Communication Association, Washington, DC, May 2019.
Mello, Susan, Sara Stifano, Cabral A. Bigman, Andy Tan, and Ashley N. Sanders-Jackson. “Improving Preconception Health Communication: A Thematic Analysis of Men’s and Women’s Beliefs About Gendered Responsibility During the ‘Zero Trimester.’” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the International Communication Association, Washington, DC, May 2019.
O’Malley, Donica. “The Ginger: An Exemplar of Failed Masculinity.” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the International Communication Association, Washington, DC, May 2019.
Ove Sikevand, Rein, Heidi Kevoe-Feldman, and Elizabeth Stokoe. “Overcoming Resistance by Leveraging Upon a Prior Turn: Negotiations with Individuals in Crisis.” Paper presented at the International Institute for Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis (IIEMCA) Conference, Mannheim, DE, July 2019.
Searles, Darcey K. “Parent-solicited Updates in Family Interactions.” Paper to be presented at the International Pragmatics Association Conference, Hong Kong, June 2019.
Strain, Tracy Heather. “Conversation with Filmmakers Now Showing @ ALA (includes screening of Sighted Eyes/Feeling Heart). American Library Association Convention, Washington, DC, June 22, 2019.
Strain, Tracy Heather. “Sighted Eyes/Feeling Heart.” John E. O’Connor Film Award screening and discussion at the American Historical Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, January 2019.
Zhu, Yaguang, Elizabeth Glowacki, and Yin Yang. “A Social Ties-Based Approach to Cancer Patients’ Quality of Life: Examining Group Ties and Individual Ties Across Offline and Online Settings.” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the International Communication Association, Washington, DC, May 2019.
Allen, A., Meryl Alper, H. Shane, and C. Haynes. “Attitudes and Use of Screen Media in Families of Children with Autism: A Survey.” Paper presented at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Convention, Boston, MA, November 2018.
Alper, Meryl, K. Paulsen, L. Hjorth, D. Parisi, and J. Archer. “On Haptics, Touch, and the Internet.” Roundtable panel presented at the Annual Conference of the Association of Internet Researchers (AoIR), Montreal, QC, October 2018.
Alper, Meryl. “Disability and Digital Technology.” Special session on “Digital Innovations for Change: Public Sociology in the 21st Century” presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, Philadelphia, PA, August 2018.
Alper, Meryl. “Disability, Children, and Screen Media Use: What is ‘Normal?’” Paper presented at the 2018 International Communication Association Convention, Prague, Czech Republic.
Alper, Meryl. “Future Talk: Lay Theories of Technological and Other Futurities.” Paper presented at the 2018 International Communication Association Convention, Prague, Czech Republic.
Dallimore, Elise. “‘Families for All’ through Research-Based Foster-Care Parent Recruitment and Retention Strategies.” Paper presented at the 104th Annual Convention of the National Communication Association, Salt Lake City, UT, November 2018.
Deseriis, Marco. “The Condividual Interface.” Keynote address presented at the Interface Politics Conference on “After Post-Truth,” BAU Design College Barcelona, November 28-30, 2018.
Deseriis, Marco. “The Impact of Platform Politics on Political Representation in Three European Cyber-Parties.” Paper presented at the European Consortium of Political Research, Nicosia, Cyprus, April 2018.
Deseriis, Marco. “The Impact of the Digital Democratic Affordance on Political Representation.” Paper presented at the “The Direct Parliament: The Impact of Digital Democracy on Political Representation” Conference, Department of Political and Social Science, Scuola Normale Superiore, Firenze, IT, June 2018. (Also served as conference organizer.)
Drury, Sara A. Mehltretter, and Dale A. Herbeck. “Donald Trump’s Use of Argument Ad Hominem: Effective Rhetorical Strategy or Fallacious Argument?” Paper presented at the 9th International Society for Argumentation Conference, Amsterdam, NLD, July 2018.
Ellis, Ryan. “Regulating the Market for Vulnerabilities: Cybersecurity, National Security, and Challenges of ‘Lawful Hacking.’” Paper presented at the 2018 International Communication Association Convention, Prague, Czech Republic.
Foucault Welles, Brooke, and Sarah J. Jackson. “The Battle for #Baltimore: Networked Counterpublics and the Contested Framing of Urban Unrest.” Paper presented at the 2018 International Communication Association Convention, Prague, Czech Republic.
Glowacki, Elizabeth, and Mary Ann Taylor. “Government and Public Responses to a Health Crisis: An Evaluation of Hyperbolic Rhetoric.” Paper presented at the 104th Annual Convention of the National Communication Association, Salt Lake City, UT, November 2018.
Glowacki, Elizabeth, Jay M. Bernhardt, and Matthew S. McGlone. “Tailored Texts: An Application of Regulatory Fit to Text Messages Designed to Reduce High-Risk Drinking.” Paper presented at the 104th Annual Convention of the National Communication Association, Salt Lake City, UT, November 2018.
Glowacki, Elizabeth. “The Role of Social Support in Patient-Provider Negotiation.” Paper presented at the 104th Annual Convention of the National Communication Association, Salt Lake City, UT, November 2018.
Granelli, Steve. “Where Popular Meets Academic: Facilitating Large-scale Ethical Understanding.” Paper presented at the Eastern Communication Association Convention, Pittsburgh, PA, April 2018.
Grimm, Josh, and Joseph Schwartz. “HIV and Anniversary Journalism: Susceptibility and Severity Messaging in News Coverage of World AIDS Day.” Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association of Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Washington, DC, August 2018.
Herbeck, Dale A. “Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act: ‘The Most Important Law Protecting Internet Speech’ or ‘The Greatest Threat to a Person’s Reputation or Online Privacy.’” Paper presented at the Eastern Communication Association Convention, Pittsburgh, PA, April 2018.
Hobeika, Marie-Odile N. “‘Check It Right, You Ain’t White’: The MENA Identity Movement.” Paper presented at the 104th Annual Convention of the National Communication Association, Salt Lake City, UT, November 2018.
Hobeika, Marie-Odile N. ”The Deeper His Anger Went: The Principles of Mimesis in Achilles’ Shield.” Paper presented to Annual Meeting of the Rhetoric Society of America, Minneapolis, MN, May 2018.
Hobeika, Marie-Odile N. “Rhetorical Cartographies of Wakanda: Mythology, Politics, and Poetics.” Paper presented at the 104th Annual Convention of the National Communication Association, Salt Lake City, UT, November 2018.
Hoppmann, Michael. “Celebrating our Platonic Past: Which of Plato’s Dialogues is Most Important for the Invention of Rhetoric and Argumentation?” Panel presented at the Biennial Conference of the Rhetoric Society of America, Minneapolis, MN, May 2018.
Hoppmann, Michael. “Celebrating the European Past, Building the Joint Future: The Rhetoric Society of Europe.” Panel presented at the Biennial Conference of the Rhetoric Society of America, Minneapolis, MN, May 2018.
Hoppmann, Michael. “Is It Reasonable to be Funny?” Paper presented at the 9th International Society for Argumentation Conference, Amsterdam, NLD, July 2018.
Hoppmann, Michael. “Is It Reasonable to be Ironic?” Paper presented at the Days of Ivo Škarić: Fourth International Conference on Rhetoric, Brač, Croatia, April 2018.
Hoppmann, Michael. “Reinventing Burke for Visual Rhetoric.” Paper presented at the Biennial Conference of the Rhetoric Society of America, Minneapolis, MN, May 2018.
Hwang, Jungyun, Andrés Hoyos-Cespedes, and Amy S. Lu. “Additive Effects of Narrative and Active Video Game on Physical Activity and Working Memory in Young Adults: A Randomized, Active Placebo-controlled Trial.” Abstract presented at the International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity Convention, Hong Kong, China, June 2018.
Hwang, Jungyun, Andrés Hoyos-Cespedes, M. Hashimoto, and Amy S. Lu. “Exercise Capacity of Active Video Game Play in Healthy-weight vs. Overweight-obese Children.” Poster presented at the Society of Behavioral Medicine, New Orleans, LA, April 2018.
Hwang, Jungyun, S. L. Hong, A. M. Fernandez, S. Gutierrez-Arango, and Amy S. Lu. “Reliability of ActiGraph Accelerometer Generations and Comparability of Placement Sites.” Abstract presented at the International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity Convention, Hong Kong, China, June 2018.
Hwang, Jungyun, S. Gutiérrez-Arango, A. Fernandez, M. Hashimoto, and Amy S. Lu. ”Disparities in Physical Activity Behavior Through a Short-term Active Video Game Intervention in Healthy-weight vs. Overweight-obese Children.” Poster presented at the Digital Media and Developing Minds: The second national interdisciplinary conference, Long Island, NY, October 2018.
Hwang, Jungyun, S. Gutiérrez-Arango, A. Fernandez, M. Hashimoto, and Amy S. Lu. “Differences in Cognitive Function at Baseline and in Response to Short Bouts of Exergaming Play Between Lean and Overweight-obese Children.” Poster presented at the Digital Media and Developing Minds: The second national interdisciplinary conference, Long Island, NY, October 2018.
Jackson, Sarah J. “Black Lives Matter, Black Feminist Epistemology, and the Making of Intersectional Movement Theory.” Paper presented at the 2018 Meeting of the International Communication Association, Prague, Czech Republic.
Jackson, Sarah J. “Power Politics of Resistant Media: Critical Voices from Margins to Center.” Panel discussion at the 2018 Meeting of the International Communication Association, Prague, Czech Republic.
Kevoe-Feldman, Heidi. “‘Can you check to see if there is a pulse or any breathing?’ Using a Request Format as a Resource for De-Escalating Emotion in 9-1-1 Emergency Medical Dispatch Calls.” Paper presented at the 104th Annual Convention of the National Communication Association, Salt Lake City, UT, November 2018.
Kevoe-Feldman, Heidi, and Blair Sutherland. “The ‘Four Second Rule’ for Identifying the Active Silent 911 Caller.” Paper presented at Navigator: The Premier Conference for Police, Fire, and Medical Dispatch, Las Vegas, NV, April 2018.
Kevoe-Feldman, Heidi. “Instruction Giving as a Resource for Dealing with Caller Hysteria in 911 Calls.” Paper presented at the International Conference on Conversation Analysis (ICCA-18), Loughborough University, Loughborough, UK, July 2018.
Lind, Katherine. “Extinction on Film: Expressing the Tension between Advocacy and Archive.” Paper presented at the 104th Annual Convention of the National Communication Association, Salt Lake City, UT, November 2018.
Lind, Katherine. “Protest, Play and Projection.” Paper presented at the 104th Annual Convention of the National Communication Association, Salt Lake City, UT, November 2018.
Lindfors, Rich, and Heidi Kevoe-Feldman. ”Sticks and Stones May Never Hurt Me, but How You Talk to Me Can!” Paper presented at Navigator 2019: The premier conference for Police, Fire, and Medical Dispatch, sponsored by the International Academy of Emergency Dispatch. National Harbor, MD, April 2019.
Lu, Amy S., Jungyun Hwang, and S. L. Hong. “Disparities in Physical Activity Performance and Aerobic Capacity between Normal-weight and Overweight-obese Children during Active Video Game Play.” Abstract presented at the International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity Convention, Hong Kong, China, June 2018.
Mello, Susan, Cabral A. Bigman, Ashley Sanders-Jackson, and Andy S. L. Tan. “Gender Role ‘Playing’ and Preconception Health: The Relationship Between Men’s and Women’s Responsibility Expectations and Behavioral Intentions.” Paper presented at the 104th Annual Convention of the National Communication Association, Salt Lake City, UT, November 2018.
Metag, Julia, Silje Kristiansen, and Mike S. Schaefer, “The Role of Socio-Demographics for Attitudes towards Science and Information Use: Evidence from a Representative Survey.” Paper presented at the 2018 Meeting of the International Communication Association, Prague, Czech Republic.
Morreale, Joanne, and Nathan Blake. “The Illusion of Control: Considering Mr. Robot.” Paper presented at the SCMS 2018 Conference, Toronto, Canada, March 2018.
Mukherjee, Ishani, and Maggie G. Williams. “Cultural Performance and Street Harassment: Playing Holi in Trinidad and India’s Public Spaces.” Paper presented at the 104th Annual Convention of the National Communication Association, Salt Lake City, UT, November 2018.
Nakayama, Thomas K. “Queer Trans Culture and Invention Beyond Visibility: Experiencing Cassils.” Panel session presented at the Rhetoric Society of America, Minneapolis, MN, June 2018.
Nakayama, Thomas K. “Queer Worldmaking in the Trump Era.” Paper presented at the Southern States Communication Association, April 2018.
O’Malley, Donica. “Contradictory Constructions of Orthorexia Online.” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Northeast Popular Culture Association, Worcester, MA, October 2018.
Reagle, Joseph. “Life Hacking as Self-Help: The Hacker Ethos and Digital Milieu.” Paper presented at the 2018 Meeting of the International Communication Association, Prague, Czech Republic, May 2018.
Robertson, Craig. “Historicizing Information in Media Studies.” Panel session at the Society for Cinema and Media Studies, Toronto, Canada, March 2018.
Roy, Deya, and Carolyn Lin. “‘Fit is the New Thin’: The Effects Fitspiration Images on Women’s Body Dissatisfaction.” Paper presented at the 104th Annual Convention of the National Communication Association, Salt Lake City, UT, November 2018.
Roy, Deya, and Carolyn Lin. “Are #Fitspiration Images Leading to #BodyDissatisfaction? Investigation of Cognitive and Affective Responses to Fitness Images on Instagram.” Paper presented at the 104th Annual Convention of the National Communication Association, Salt Lake City, UT, November 2018.
Schwartz, Joe, and Josh Grimm. “Communication Strategies for Discussing PrEP with Men who have Sex with Men.” Paper presented at the 104th Annual Convention of the National Communication Association, Salt Lake City, UT, November 2018.
Schwartz, Joe, and Victoria Seidman. “Investigating the Role of Instagram in Romantic Relationships.” Paper presented at the 104th Annual Convention of the National Communication Association, Salt Lake City, UT, November 2018.
Searles, Darcey, and Yumei Gan. “Out-of-View: Accounts for Leaving the Camera in Video-Mediated Communication.” Paper presented at the 104th Annual Convention of the National Communication Association, Salt Lake City, UT, November 2018.
Stefanone, Michael A., Brooke Foucault Welles, Zhiying Yue, and Zena Toh. “Belongingness Motivates Network Monitoring: Individual Differences in Attention to the Social World.” Paper presented at the 104th Annual Convention of the National Communication Association, Salt Lake City, UT, November 2018.
Stevens, Yuan, and Ryan Ellis. “War or Mere Mischief? Metaphors, Fears, and Anti-Hacking Laws in the U.S. and Canada.” Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Association of Internet Researchers (AoIR), Montreal, QC, October 2018.
Stokoe, Elizabeth, Rein Ove Sikveland, Bogdana Huma, and Heidi Kevoe-Feldman. “Delayed Preferred Responses: Being Persuaded Following Resistance in Initially Misaligned Encounters.” Paper presented at the Nordic Interdisciplinary Interaction Discourse Conference, Aarhus University, Copenhagen, DK, November 21-23, 2018.
Strain, Tracy. “Sighted Eyes, Feeling Heart.” Screening and panel discussion at the 14th National Black Writers Conference, Center for Black Literature, Medgar Evers College/CUNY, Brooklyn, NY, March 2018.
Tola, Miriam. “Intersectionality Meet Marxist Feminism in Contemporary Italian Feminisms.” Paper presented at Subversive Theories of the Political, a workshop funded by the Academy of Global Humanities and Critical Theory, Colorado College October 2018.
Tola, Miriam. “Reinventing the Feminist Strike: Reading the Italian Case.” Paper presented at the National Women’s Studies Association Conference, Atlanta, November 2018.
Van Gilder, Bobbi. “(De)centering Heteronormativity in the U.S. Military: How Military Service Members Reinforce and/or Destabilize Dominant Discourses in Talk.” Paper presented at the 2018 Meeting of the International Communication Association, Prague, Czech Republic, May 2018.
Van Gilder, Bobbi. ”Encouraging Mindful Language Practices in the Classroom.” Panel session at the Western States Communication Association Annual Convention, Santa Clara, CA, February 2018.
Wagner, Irena, Clair Feeney, Kaicheng Zhan, Carmen Taleghani, and Heidi Kevoe-Feldman. “The ‘Upturn’ Effect: Renegotiating Constraints in Multi-Unit Turns.” Paper presented at the International Conference on Conversation Analysis (ICCA-18), Loughborough University, Loughborough, UK, July 2018.
Williams, Maggie G. Ishani Mukherjee, and Courtney Utsey. “Hashtags as Hubs: #Deleteuber and the Material Impacts of Hashtivism.” Paper presented at the 16thAnnual Conference of International Association for the History of Transport, Traffic, and Mobility (T2M), Montréal, Québec, Canada, October 2018.
Zhan, Kaicheng, Wan Wei, Darcey K. Searles, Jonathan Potter, Song Hee Park, Lisa Mikesell, Jenny S. Mandelbaum, Alexa Hepburn, and Galina Bolden. “Gratitude in Recruitment Sequences.” Paper presented at the 104th Annual Convention of the National Communication Association, Salt Lake City, UT, November 2018.
Allen, A., Meryl Alper, H. Shane, and C. Haynes. “Interprofessional Development of a Survey Exploring Mobile Technology Use Among Families of Children with Autism.” Paper presented at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Convention, Los Angeles, CA, November 2017.
Alper, Meryl. “Disability: Making ‘Sense’ of Computing Through Sensory Processing Disorder and Autism.” Panel on Making Sense of Computing: Methods, Uses, and Histories presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Social Studies of Science, Boston, MA, August 2017.
Alper, Meryl. “Hearing Synthetic Speech as Human: Disability, Technology, and the Politics of Listening to Computerized Voice.” Paper presented at the 2017 Meeting of the International Communication Association, San Diego, CA.
Alper, Meryl. “Making a Case for iPad Cases: Theorizing Mobile Accessories and Materiality.” Paper presented at the 2017 Meeting of the International Communication Association, San Diego, CA.
Bigman, Cabral A., Susan Mello, Ashley Sanders-Jackson, and Andy S. Tan. “Intervening to Say ‘No’ to Secondhand Smoke and Vapor: Psychosocial Correlates of Intentions to Ask Others Not to Smoke or Vape in Public Venues.” Paper presented at the 2017 Meeting of the International Communication Association, San Diego, CA.
Blake, Nathan. “Living Death: Replay and Redeployment in Source Code.” Paper presented at the Society for Cinema and Media Studies, Chicago, IL, March 2017.
Cannon, Kristopher L. “What Does a Gay Bar Sound Like? The Temporality of Sound in Queer as Folk.” Paper presented at the Society for Cinema and Media Studies, Chicago, IL, March 2017.
Drury, Sara A. Mehltretter, and Dale A. Herbeck. “Style Trumps Substance: The Enduring Legacy of the Great Debate of September 26, 1960.” Paper presented at the 2017 Alta Argumentation Conference, Alta, UT.
Ellis, Ryan. “Anatomy of a Failed Intervention: The FCC Revisits Municipal Broadband.” Paper presented at the 2017 Meeting of the International Communication Association, San Diego, CA.
Ellis, Ryan. “‘No More Free Bugs’: Organizing the Market for Software Vulnerabilities.” Paper presented at the 2017 Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Boston, April, MA.
Ellis, Ryan. “Security Research as Creative Labor: Digital Labor and the Commodification of Vulnerabilities.” Paper presented at the 2017 Meeting of the International Communication Association, San Diego, CA.
Ellis, Ryan. “A Valuable Flaw: The Creation of a Market for Software Vulnerabilities.” Paper presented at the Society for Social Studies of Science (4S) Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, August 2017.
Forman, Murray. “Hip Hop Studies before Hip Hop Studies.” Keynote panel presented at the “One Hundred and Fifty Futures of Hip-Hop in Canada” Conference, Ryerson University, Toronto, CA, November, 2017
Forman, Murray. “Hip-Hop Nostalgia and Competing Discourses of the Past.” Invited presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Age, Communication and Technologies (ACT) Network, University of Ottawa, CA, October 2017.
Foucault Welles, Brooke, and Weiai Xu. “Network Visualization and Decision Making Support: A Cognitive Fit Study.” Paper presented at the 2017 National Communication Association Convention, Dallas, TX.
Fuechslin, Tobias, Mike S. Schaefer, Julia Metag, Silje Kristiansen, and Adrian Rauchfleisch. “Audiences of Science Communication in Switzerland: A Segmentation Analysis.” Paper presented at the 2017 Meeting of the International Communication Association, San Diego, CA.
Granelli, Steve. “President Trump, Professional Wrestling, and the New Political Culture.” Discussant on panel presented at the 2017 National Communication Association Convention, Dallas, TX.
Herbeck, Dale A. “Milo Yiannopoulos and Free Speech in the 21st Century.” Paper presented at the 2017 National Communication Association Convention, Dallas, TX.
Hoppmann, Michael. “If Rhetoric Changed Anything, It Would Be Illegal: Uniting Banksy and Burke.” Paper presented at the Sixth Rhetoric in Society Conference of the Rhetoric Society of Europe, Norwich, UK, July 2017.
Hoppmann, Michael. “Pathetische Etymologie [Pathetic Etymology].” Paper presented at the Tenth Salzburg-Tübingen Dialogues on Rhetoric Conference, Tubingen, DE, May 2017.
Hoppmann, Michael. “Towards a Chemical Taxonomy for Types of Arguments and Inferences.” Paper presented at the Second European Conference on Argumentation, Fribourg, SUI, June 2017.
Jackson, Sarah J. “Assembling Collectivity: Subjectivity, Community, and Digital Politics?” Panel presented at the University of Michigan Bicentennial Conference on the Digital Future, Ann Arbor, MI, September 2017.
Jackson, Sarah J. “Considered Intersectionality.” Paper presented at the 2017 Meeting of the International Communication Association, San Diego, CA.
Jackson, Sarah J. “New Media Interventions: Black Cultural Workers, Race, and Representation.” Paper presented at the 2017 Meeting of the International Communication Association, San Diego, CA.
Jackson, Sarah J. “Stories of Dissent: Rereading Ferguson.” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Studies Association, Chicago, IL, November 2017.
Kristiansen, Silje. “Risk Attention Phase Model: A Multidimensional Risk Construct.” Paper presented at the 2017 Meeting of the International Communication Association, San Diego, CA.
Lu, Amy S., Tom Baranowski, Eldin Dzubur, J. Hwang, and Stephen Intille. “Technology Assisted Physical Activity Measurement among Children: Attractions and Pitfalls.” Paper presented at the 5th International Conference on Ambulatory Monitoring of Physical Activity and Movement, Bethesda, MD, June 2017.
Morreale, Joanne. “Puzzling over Puzzle Narratives: The Case of Mr. Robot.” Paper presented at the Console-ing Passions Conference, East Carolina University, July 2017.
Nakayama, Thomas K. “What’s Moving in Social Movements, Part 2: The Urgency of Mobilization, and Rhetorical Theory-Building in Vitriolic Times.” Panel presented at the 2017 National Communication Association Convention, Dallas, TX.
Patel, Rupal, and Meryl Alper. “Giving Voice to Social Communication Outcomes in an Increasingly Diverse and Digital Age.” Paper presented at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Convention, Los Angeles, CA, November 2017.
Picklesimer, Sara, and Stephen Stifano. “Know Your Feelings and Desires: Targeted Emotional Education as a Vehicle for Improving Safe Sex Health Messages.” Paper presented at the 2017 National Communication Association Convention, Dallas, TX.
Pietrucci, Pamela. “Street Art as Performative Citizenship: A Local Materialist Approach.” Paper presented at the 2017 National Communication Association Convention, Dallas, TX.
Pietrucci, Pamela, and Andrea Baldini. “Graffiti and Yarnbombing Interventions: Post-Disaster Public Art as Performative Citizenship.” Paper presented at the 2017 Meeting of the International Communication Association, San Diego, CA.
Pietrucci, Pamela, and Andrea Baldini. “Is Yarnbombing Street Art? Arts and Community Activism in Post-Disaster Contexts.” Paper presented at the 75th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Aesthetics, New Orleans, LA, November 2017.
Pomerantz, Anita, and Heidi Kevoe-Feldman. “Inferential Work by 911 Dispatchers: Soliciting the Missing Pieces.” Paper presented at the 2017 International Pragmatics Conference, Belfast, Ireland.
Reagle, Joseph. “One, Many, and Millions: Will QS and Big-N Solve Science’s Reproducibility Crisis?” Refereed presentation in Technologies of Self panel at 4S, Boston, MA, August 2017.
Reagle, Joseph, and Zack McDowell. “Evidence-Based Pedagogy: Students Write Wikipedia.” Refereed presentation at The New Media Consortium 2017 Summer Conference, Boston, MA.
Robertson, Craig. “Misunderstanding Media: Filing Cabinet.” Paper presented at the 2017 Meeting of the International Communication Association, San Diego, CA.
Roy, Deya. “80 Years in the Making: A Theoretical Review of Uses and Gratifications.” Paper presented at the 2017 National Communication Association Convention, Dallas, TX.
Schwartz, Joseph, and Josh Grim. “‘It’s Like Birth Control for HIV’: Communication and Stigma for Gay Men on PrEP.” Poster presented at the 2017 Meeting of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mas Communication, Chicago, IL.
Seitz, Holli H., Laura Gibson, Christine Skubisz, Susan Mello, Marilyn M. Schapira, Katrina Armstrong, and Joseph N. Cappella. “Immediate and Long-term Effects of a Risk-based Online Mammography Decision Intervention on Predictors of Mammography Behavior.” Paper presented to the Fourth D.C. Health Communication Conference, Fairfax, VA, April 2017.
Strain, Tracy Heather. “Spotlight on Women in Cinema.” Program sponsored by Facebook at the 2017 American Black Film Festival, Miami Beach, FL, June 2017.
Strain, Tracy Heather. “The Dream Keepers: Literature as Activism.” Film segment presented at the 2017 International Association for Literary Journalism Studies Conference, Halifax, Nova Scotia, CA.
Strain, Tracy Heather. ”Sighted Eyes/Feeling Heart.” Film segments presented at the 2017 Organization of American Historians Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA.
Tan, Andy S., Susan Mello, Ashley Sanders-Jackson, and Cabral A. Bigman. “Assertive Communication About Others’ Smoking and Vaping in Public Venues—Prevalence and Correlates from a National Survey of U.S. Adults.” Poster presented at the 23rd Annual Society for Research on Nicotine & Tobacco Annual Meeting, Florence, IT, March 2017.
Tannebaum, Michael. “Parent-Child Sexual Communication as a Predictor of Young Adults’ Sexual Behaviors and Sexual Communication Practices.” Paper presented at the 2017 Meeting of the Eastern Communication Association Convention, Boston, MA.
Tannebaum, Michael, and Willa Davis. “Young Adults’ Use of Technology to Communicate with Romantic Partners about Sexual Health Issues: Implications for STI Prevention.” Paper presented at the 2017 Meeting of the Eastern Communication Association Convention, Boston, MA.
Van Gilder, Bobbi. “Femininity as Perceived Threat to Military Effectiveness: How Military Service Members Reinforce Hegemonic Masculinity in Talk.” Paper presented at the 2017 Western States Communication Association Annual Convention, Salt Lake City, UT.
Van Gilder, Bobbi. “Military Culture: How Communicative Stigmatization Practices Influence Feelings of Belonging for Gays, Lesbians, and Bisexuals in the U.S. Military.” Paper presented at the 2017 Western States Communication Association Annual Convention, Salt Lake City, UT.
Van Gilder, Bobbi. “Islamaphobia and Trump’s ‘Muslim Ban’: Identity, Difference, and Intergroup Attitudes.” Paper presented at the 2017 National Communication Association Convention, Dallas, TX.
Williams, Maggie, and Ishani Mukherjee. “Cinema as Cross-Cultural Case Study: Teaching Intercultural Communication through Popular Films.” Paper presented at the 2017 National Communication Association Convention, Dallas, TX.
Referred journal articles by Communication Studies faculty:
Alper, Meryl. “Future Talk: Accounting for the Technological and Other Future Discourses in Daily Life.” International Journal of Communication, 13 (2019), 715-735.
Bailey, Moya, Sarah J. Jackson, and Brooke Foucault Welles. “Women Tweet on Violence: From #YesAllWomen to #MeToo.” Ada: A Journal of Gender, New Media, and Technology, No. 15 (2019), DOI: 10.5399/uo/ada.2019.15.6
Dallimore, Elise, Julie H. Hertenstein and Marjorie B. Platt. “Levelling the Playing Field: Deliberating How Cold-calling Might Enhance Gender Equity in the Classroom.” Journal of Education and Learning, 8.2 (2019), 14-24.
Foucault Welles, Brooke, and Sarah J. Jackson. ”The Battle for #Baltimore: Networked Counterpublics and the Contested Framing of Urban Unrest.” International Journal of Communication, 13 (2019), 1699-1719.
Levac, Danielle E., and Amy S. Lu. “Does Narrative Feedback Enhance Children’s Motor Learning in a Virtual Environment?” Journal of Motor Behavior, 51.2 (2019), 199-201. DOI: 10.1080/00222895.2018.1454398.
Mello, Susan, Andy S. L. Tan, Ashley Sanders-Jackson, Cabral A. Bigman. “Gender Stereotypes and Preconception Health: Men’s and Women’s Expectations of Responsibility and Intentions to Engage in Preventive Behaviors.” Maternal and Child Health Journal, 23.4 (April 2019), 459-469. DOI: 10.1007/s10995-018-2654-3.
Tola, Miriam. “The Archive and the Lake: Labor, Toxicity, and the Making of Cosmopolitical Commons in Rome, Italy.” Environmental Humanities, 11.1 (May 2019): 194–215. DOI: https://serval.unil.ch/resource/serval:BIB_36601F2ED73C.P001/REF.pdf
Alumni in the News

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Alumna Pursues Passion of Working in Music at Late-Night Talk Show
As her graduation date approached, Marissa Mullen pursued her passions and worked hard to land herself a job at The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, and she is so glad she did.
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