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Improving Rural Health Access with Mobile Clinics

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As a nonprofit medical facility located in mid-coast Maine, the Knox Clinic has become an essential healthcare provider in the region, specializing in addressing local health inequities.

The goal of this project is to identify, design, prototype, and evaluate innovative models of rural, community-based care through a community-based participatory research approach. The project scope includes environmental and service design for facilities and mobile healthcare units, communication strategies, organizational and funding models, and evaluating the impact of these interventions. This semester, the team is working to better understand the community health needs of Knox County and plan the phase 2 deployment of the Community Health and Wellness Van. This will include incorporating demographic information as data visualizations and developing a toolkit for community partners to use when working with the Knox Clinic. Additionally, the team is redesigning the interior and exterior of the van, researching the specific services the van should provide, communicating about those services, and planning the locations it should park in the county.

Learn more about the Knox Clinic.
Learn more about Scout Labs.


Sara Jensen Carr, Susan Mello and Katherine Simmonds

Project Leads

CfD Core Faculty

Estefania Ciliotta and Michael Arnold Mages

Scout Labs Students

Isabela Fox-Mills, Shannon Haley, Daechan Kim, Grete King, Emma Liu, Cathreen Paul, Olivia Wang


Knox Clinic, Bouvé College of Health Sciences, The Roux Institute and Scout Labs

Research Areas

Design + Health, Design + Experience
