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Laura Marelic, AMD’15, cer­tainly left her mark on North­eastern, founding the university’s student-​​run design studio, which is based in the Col­lege of Arts, Media and Design. Since its launch two years ago, Scout’s team has worked on projects for var­ious clients and events, including the Curry Stu­dent Center’s 50-​​year anniver­sary; an exhibit for Northeastern’s Our Marathon dig­ital archive; and Cof­feebar, a first-​​​​of-​​​​its-​​​​kind all-​​​​natural energy bar infused with a full cup of fair trade coffee.

“The work we’ve done the past two years was above and beyond what I expected,” Marelic said. “The atten­tion that Scout got and how badly people wanted to get involved was a big accomplishment.”

Read the original story at news@Northeastern →

SCOUT: Northeastern’s Student-Led Design Studio
Photo by Brooks Canaday/​for North­eastern University