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Micro Lab for Experiential Learning with a focus on Ethics & AI

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Image shows a computer on the ChatGPT website. The page says "Introducing ChatGPT Plus."

2023-2024 CAMD Strategic Seed Grant


In recent years, artificial intelligence (AI) has become increasingly prevalent in almost every aspect of our lives. AI is being used to automate mundane tasks, improve medical diagnostics, and even drive cars. With such a vast potential for application, AI is beginning to make its way into higher education as well. 

We assume that AI can and will be used for new teaching methods, from creating more interactive learning experiences through virtual tutoring to enabling new assessment tools for gauging student progress.  

As a result, a newly defined role of the human contribution to teaching, learning, and knowledge production needs to be considered. 

Our objective is to examine the potential impacts of artificial intelligence on student learning outcomes and instructor roles in higher education. 

