BA in Media and Screen Studies and Communication Studies
BA in Journalism and Media and Screen Studies
BA/BS in Media and Screen Studies and Theatre
BS/BA in Theatre and Interaction Design
BS in Architecture and Graphic and Information Design
BA in Communication Studies and Graphic and Information Design
BA in Communication Studies and Theatre
BFA in Game Art and Animation
BS in Journalism and Interaction Design
BA in Media and Screen Studies and Media Arts
BA in Media Arts and Communication Studies
BS in Music and Communication Studies with concentration in Music Industry

The College of Arts, Media and Design offers a broad range of curricular options for undergraduates. Combined majors empower you to bring your interests together and integrate two subject areas into a defined major with a synthesized curriculum. Want to forge your own path? Independent majors let you combine disciplines to develop a theme-driven course of study beyond the available combined majors.
Explore different combined majors.
Your Passions. Your CAMD experience.